YoungMinds staff member Mike Woolf smiling and against a yellow background

Director of Strategy and Services - He/Him Mike Woolf (m-eye-k wool-f)

Mike's values and experience

What skills and experience do you bring to your role?

My previous roles have been about user-centred design, strategy and business process design. I’m bringing this experience to YoungMinds.

Strategy and services is all about bringing some of our teams that design and deliver services closer to our Anti-racism, Justice, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion goals, digital transformation, data and impact, and strategy planning work.

As young people’s needs change, our products and services should at the same time, so that we continue to deliver the most impactful support.

Which of our values do you relate to most, and why do you think it’s an important value for us?

The value I relate most to is 'We're optimistic'.

I think anyone who knows me would say that I’m really optimistic.

At YoungMinds we’re all working on one of societies biggest challenges. It can feel impenetrable and intractable at times, so being optimistic that there are solutions and opportunities and that we can help to make things better feels vitally important.

About Mike

We celebrate what makes you, you. What three words describe you best?

  • Smiley

  • Big picture thinker

  • Relentlessly optimistic

YoungMinds staff

What do you do to switch off and take care of your mental health?

YoungMinds staff member Mike Woolf smiling and against a yellow background
I spend time with my three kids (which is not necessarily always unstressful!). I also love cooking while listening to music and I play football.

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