A picture of our Youth Panellist Billy.

Youth Panellist - She/Her Billy (Bih-lee)

Billy's values

A group of young people sit around a table talking to each other. The person closest to the camera as the back to the camera and wears a dark red knitted jumper.

Why are you on the Youth Panel at YoungMinds?

I decided to be part of the Youth Panel so I could help YoungMinds reach more young people because as someone who has been present with many that don’t understand mental health, I think it is important for people to be fully educated.

Which of our values do you relate to most, and why do you think it’s an important value for us?

The value I relate the most to is: 'we're optimistic'.

Even though things don’t always pan out successfully, I feel like if you’re optimistic, you can receive the positive energy for success in whatever it is that you want!

About Billy

We celebrate what makes you, you. What three words describes you best?

  • Kind

  • Creative

  • Resourceful

A picture of our Youth Panellist Billy.

What do you do to switch off and take care of your mental health?

I will scroll on TikTok and watch funny videos on there.

About our Youth Panel

Our Youth Panel works with us for three years to help shape our future as a charity and achieve our mission. They talk about things like strategy, safeguarding, fundraising, organisational culture, risk management, data protection, brand and marketing.

Our current Youth Panel joined us in October 2023.

Meet more of our Youth Panel

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