Sometimes, we might feel different from other people, and they don't understand how we are feeling. This can be really tough and isolating.

We all feel angry sometimes, often when there’s a good reason. But sometimes, we might be feeling angry a lot, or find it becomes uncontrollable or harmful.

We all feel low at points in our lives but sometimes, it can feel like we are unable to cope. If you are feeling this way, we have information and advice that can help you feel better.

Everyone has a different relationship with food and eating, but if yours is taking over your life, then you might have an eating problem. But you’re not alone; we have advice and information on where you can get help and support.

When you lose someone close to you, it’s natural to feel sad, depressed, worried or angry. Everyone reacts in their own way. If you’re finding it hard to cope with bereavement, we can help you find support.

It’s normal to feel lonely sometimes, but it can be tough to cope with. If you’re feeling lonely right now, we’re here for you. Here are some things you can try to make yourself feel better.

When life gets overwhelming, it’s easy to feel like you’re losing control. But there’s support out there. Our tips and advice can help you get back on top of things.

Having a panic attack can feel scary and overwhelming. But there are things you can do to cope. We have tips and advice to help you get through it.

Self-harm can be difficult to talk about but it’s a common problem and you can beat it. Find out what self-harm means and what to do if you think you’re affected by it.

It’s normal to sometimes struggle with your sleep. But if you’re having a lot of sleepless nights and it’s starting to affect your daily life, it could be a sign of a sleep problem. We have advice that can help.

Feeling stuck can be tough and really get you down. You might not know what to do or where to start. If that’s how you’re feeling, check out our tips to help you move forward.

If you’re feeling so down that you can’t see a way out, you are not alone. Lots of people have felt like this and – with help – managed to get through it. However bad you're feeling right now, there's help out there for you.