Two young people sitting together and listening to a conversation.

What it's like to be diagnosed with depression

  • 3 min read
  • 28 November 2018

Author: Molly

Topics mentioned: depression, counselling and therapy, speaking to your GP

About: Molly has recently been diagnosed with depression. She shares what this feels like, and what you can do if you find yourself in a similar situation.

Where did it all start?

I’ve recently been officially diagnosed with depression. This came as quite a shock to me. Although I knew I was feeling down, I wasn’t aware of the extent of it.

For quite a while I’ve not felt myself. I haven’t wanted to focus any effort on myself or anything I do. It’s affected some of my friendships and made me become quite isolated and left out, because I haven’t been participating in many conversations or events. 

Although I knew I was feeling down I wasn’t aware of the extent of it.

What did I do?

Seeing as I’ve felt quite unusual for a couple of years, I decided to go to the doctor's and speak to them about it. They’ve helped me understand why I might be feeling like this and recommended that I speak to a counsellor or a family member and see if that helps, so that’s what I’ve done.

I chose to speak to a counsellor as I feel I can speak openly about all aspects of my life without the worry of offending someone. The counsellor has helped me understand that there are some people and things in my life who have a negative influence and that could be affecting my mood. I have distanced myself slightly from that and have chosen to focus on my school and my mind. I already feel so much better.

They’ve helped me understand why I might be feeling like this.

How am I doing now?

I am feeling much more relaxed and empowered now. I am in control of how I feel and I don’t feel like there’s constantly a dark cloud following me around. I have adjusted my diet slightly to try and eat my five-a-day, as I find this helps bring my overall mood up and gives me a focus to aim for.

I don’t feel like there’s constantly a dark cloud following me around.

What would I recommend for you?

  • reach out for help

    Speak to your doctor or a trusted adult about how you’re feeling.

  • go outside

    Try to keep going outside, even if it’s just a short walk, it can really help your mood to lift.

  • the feeling won't last forever

    Realise that how your feeling won’t last forever and there’s always something to look forward to.

More help and information on depression

Have a look at our guide on depression for more information and advice on what you can do to get help.  

Where to get help

However you're feeling, there are people who can help you if you are struggling. Here are some services that can support you.

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