Three young people sitting in a row and talking together in a park.

Christmas tips from our Activists

  • 0 min read
  • 12 February 2019

Topics mentioned: self-care, family

About: Christmas can be difficult if you struggle with your mental health. Our Activists share their tips for looking after yourself in the festive period.

1. Keep it in perspective

"Remember it is a normal day of the year."

You've got this! Christmas can be as big or as little an event as you want it to be. Remember it is a normal day of the year, so you won't be the only one struggling. It's okay not to feel festive.

2. Don't bottle up your feelings

"Talk to people you trust."

One of the biggest mistakes people make is bottling up negative emotions. Don't bottle up your worries and feelings; talk to people you trust. Don't be afraid to pick up the phone, even if it is just to send a simple text message to a friend or family member. Use your diary and write down how you feel.

"Don't be afraid to pick up the phone, even if it is just to send a simple text message to a friend or family member."

3. Use your time well

"Do things which make you happy."

This doesn't mean pressuring yourself to be the life and soul of the party or becoming overwhelmed trying to please everyone. Use your free time to do things which make you happy and occupy your time. Those things are different for all of us but it could be as simple as reading a favourite book, watching some Christmas TV or catching up with family.

Be social if you can. Social situations may seem overwhelming but even small interactions can help you feel more connected.

4. Take time for yourself

"Remember to have some time for yourself."

It's great to spend time with family but remember to have some time for yourself. Take breaks from social situations if things get rough and don't be afraid to step out of situations if you need to.

"Allow yourself the time and space you need to cope, and make decisions that suit your needs."

5. Make adjustments to suit your needs

"Prioritise whatever it is that will help you relax and feel calm."

Allow yourself the time and space you need to cope, and make decisions that suit your needs. If the crowds make you anxious, you could do your shopping online. If you don’t want to spend time with your family on Christmas Day, perhaps consider volunteering with one of the food banks who provide a special meal for the homeless on Christmas Day.

Prioritise whatever it is that will help you relax and feel calm.

More information and advice

We have tips and advice to help you find the support you need. Take a look at our guides.

Where to get help

However you're feeling, there are people who can help you if you are struggling. Here are some services that can support you.

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