You and your child
If you think your child is unhappy or you are worried about their behaviour, it’s easy to be hard on yourself and think you aren’t doing a good job. But you aren't alone. Below are our tips are for any parent who is worried about their child, or their own parenting skills.
Helping your child
Worrying or difficult behaviour might be short-lived, so give it some time. All children go through stages of feeling anxious or angry and they can show this in lots of ways - for example, tantrums, crying, sleeping problems or fighting with friends or siblings. They might be adapting to a change in the family or in their school life, or just trying out new emotions, and will generally grow out of worrying behaviour on their own or with family support.
Even young children can understand about feelings and behaviour if you give them a chance to talk about it. Take it gently and give them examples of what you mean. For example:
"When you said you hated Molly, you looked really angry. What was making you so cross?"
"When you can’t get to sleep, is there anything in your mind making you worried?"
With older children, they might not want to talk at first. Let them know you are concerned about them, and are there if they need you. Sending an email or a text can work better if this is the way your child likes to communicate.
Ask your child what they think would help - they often have good ideas about solving their own problems.
If you can, talk to your child's other parent about your worries when your child is not around. They might have a different take on what’s going on.
Try and sort out how to deal with the behaviour together so you are using the same approach and can back each other up. Children are quick to spot if parents disagree, and can try and use this to get their own way.

Looking after yourself
Ask for help if you need it
Friends and family can often help - don’t be afraid to ask them to have your child for a bit if you need some time out to sort out your own stuff. You can repay them when things get better for you!
Don't struggle alone
If things are getting you down, it’s important to recognise this. Talk to someone you trust and see what they think. Many people go on struggling with very difficult situations because they feel they should be able to cope and don’t deserve any help.
Take time for yourself
It’s easy to say take some time for yourself but in reality this may not feel possible. You might be too busy, exhausted or hard up for exercise or hobbies. But even a night in with a friend, a DVD box set or your favourite dinner can help.
Don't blame yourself
If your child is having problems, don’t be too hard on yourself or blame yourself. Although it can be upsetting and worrying if your child is having a bad time, and it makes your relationship with them feel more stressful, you are not a bad parent. Children often take it out on those closest to them, so you might be feeling the effect of their very powerful emotions.
You're doing everything you can
If you had a difficult time growing up yourself, or have had emotional problems or mental health problems, it can be very worrying to think that the same thing might happen to your child. But the love and care you show them and the fact that you are trying to help will protect against this. Getting help for them and perhaps for yourself too can give them the best chance of feeling better.
Speak to your GP if you're struggling to cope
Go to your GP if things are really getting on top of you. Asking for some support from your doctor or a referral to a counselling service is a sign of strength. You can’t help your child if you are not being supported yourself. Some people worry their parenting will be judged and their children will be taken away if they admit they are struggling to cope. This should only happen if a child is being abused or neglected and the role of professionals is to support you to look after your child as well as you can.
Setting up a parent support group

As a parent, it's easy to feel alone or isolated when trying to support your child’s needs.
To help feel less alone, many parents find it reassuring to meet other parents experiencing similar concerns or worries, and share their experiences with each other.
If you're interested in setting up a parent support group in your local community, we have tips and advice that can help you get started.
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Please be aware that this form isn’t a mental health support service. If your child is in crisis right now and you want to talk to someone urgently, find out who to contact on our urgent help page.
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