A young Black man standing outside a front door with a Black teenage boy wearing a hearing aid. They are talking together about something serious.

How to speak to your GP

Your mental health is just as important as your physical health and your GP is there to support you with both. So whatever you’re feeling or experiencing, speaking to a doctor is a good first step to getting the help you need.

We know this can be daunting, but we’re here to help you prepare.

Your GP can:

  • let you know what support is available from the NHS or private services
  • suggest different types of treatment like counselling and therapy, or medication
  • offer regular check-ups to see how you’re doing
  • help you find local support groups
  • explain what the next steps are to help you get better

Before your appointment

  • Register and book

    The first thing you’ll need to do is book an appointment. If you’re not registered with a GP yet, you can use the NHS website to find your local GP and register.

  • Prepare what you want to say

    Think about what you want to get out of your appointment, what you want to talk about, and the questions you want to ask.

    Start by making a list. Docready can help you with this – they have different topics you can choose from to create a list that you can take with you. You can read the list to the GP if you need, or even hand it to your GP to read themself.

  • Talk to someone you trust

    It might help to reach out to a friend or family member about the appointment. Practising what you want to say and the questions you want to ask can make you feel more comfortable.

    You could ask them to wait with you or even join you during your appointment. But it’s entirely your choice if you want someone with you or not.

It’s your right for your appointment to be accessible. When you register at your doctor’s surgery, they should ask you if you have any accessibility needs. This will go on your record so they can organise support. If they don’t ask you when you register, you’ll need to let the doctors know.

Your GP can make appointments more accessible by:

  • providing a chaperone (someone to go with you) for your appointment
  • providing a BSL (British Sign Language) interpreter when you visit your GP
  • providing information in a way that is more accessible
  • making the building more accessible

For more information on accessibility in surgeries and the NHS, see the Accessible Information Standard.

During your appointment

Making your voice heard is important. It's your right to speak up. You know best how you’re feeling, so don’t be afraid to tell your GP exactly what you want.

Here are some tips and things to consider:

Start your appointment by saying what you want to discuss (or hand over a list if you have one).

Be honest. This helps your GP understand your needs. Remember, it’s their job to help with mental health, and they’ve likely seen similar issues before.

Your GP will then ask questions to figure out the best support for you. If you’re unsure about something they’ve said, it's okay to ask questions. Remember – it’s your appointment.

If you’re thinking about medication, talk to your GP about this. They can talk through your options and work out if this is right for you. They might suggest other treatments, but you can ask for a second opinion if you disagree.

If you’re offered medication but don’t want it, discuss these concerns with your doctor.

If you’re already on medication and want to stop, speak to your GP first to explore your options so you can make an informed decision. They'll help you plan a gradual stop and avoid withdrawal effects.

Find out more about medication
A girl staring at the camera in front of a brick wall.
People may tell you that antidepressants are bad, change your personality, are placebos, or evil, but it’s not true. Don’t let anyone make you feel bad for taking medication that helps your health condition!

If you’re interested in counselling or therapy, your GP can let you know what options are available. If you and your GP decide that counselling is a good route, they’ll organise a referral.

If you’re under 18, your GP is likely to refer you to Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS). This referral can mean you’ll be put on a waiting list. If so, ask if there are other ways you can be supported while waiting for counselling.

Find out more about counselling and therapy
A young Black woman talking about something serious with an older Black woman in the park.
If you’re anxious about starting counselling, I know how you feel, but you’ve got this. It may be daunting, but it’s a big step towards your recovery, so congratulate yourself for taking it.

Understanding your rights can help you stay in control of your treatment.

Your GP should always:

  • discuss confidentiality with you and explain when they may have to share information
  • ask for your consent if possible before treatment options are agreed
  • give you what you need to make decisions, e.g. an interpreter if you need one
  • make you aware of the complaints process if you ask
  • give you access to an independent advocate if you need to complain

Under UN laws, your opinion must always be taken seriously when decisions are made about your treatment.

Read more about your rights under UN laws
A person writing in a notebook.

Questions to ask your GP

  • I don’t understand what that means for me – can you explain it?
  • What does a referral mean?
  • What’s the waiting time from a referral to start counselling?
  • Where can I get help while I wait for counselling/CAMHS?
  • What does counselling mean?
  • What’s the difference between therapy and counselling?
  • How will medication help me?
  • Will the medication have any side effects?
  • How long does it take for the medication to start working?
  • How much of what I talk about with you is confidential?
  • How will counselling help me?
  • What’s the difference between taking medication and going to counselling?
  • Do I need to see you again?

After your appointment

Two people sat on a sofa talking seriously.

If you're not happy with the outcome

If you don’t agree with the treatment you’ve been offered, or you aren’t sure about it, share your concerns with your GP. Together, you can work through what you want to get from the appointment.

If you’re still not happy with the outcome, it’s okay to get a second opinion. Ask your GP to recommend someone else to assess you.

It can take time to work out what’s best for you. You can always ask the surgery to give you an appointment with a different doctor if you need.


Everything you tell your doctor is confidential – this means that they will not tell anyone else unless you agree otherwise.

The only exception to this is if they think you or someone else might not be safe. In these cases, they may need to talk to social services or the police, but they will always try to let you know first. What information is shared and who they share it with may depend on your age, support needs and risk level.

When it comes to your parents/carers, it’s up to you if you want to tell them. Your doctor may encourage you to talk to them because it can help if the people looking after you know what’s going on. But it’s your choice. If you’d like your parents/carers to know what’s going on but don’t feel comfortable telling them yourself, you can ask your doctor to speak to them for you.

If you have any questions about confidentiality, talk to your GP during the appointment.

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Please note:

This form is not a mental health support service. We cannot reply to this. If you are at risk of immediate harm, call 999 and ask for an ambulance or go to your nearest A&E. If you are worried about your mental health, call: Childline (for under 19s) on 0800 11 11; or Samaritans on 116 123.

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