three young people fundraising volunteers wearing YoungMinds hoodie smiling

Donating to YoungMinds safely

  • 2 min read
  • 31 August 2023

Author: YoungMinds Fundraising Team

As a charity, we rely on the dedication and generosity of our supporters to continue to be there for young people and the adults in their lives.

We’re incredibly grateful to everyone who supports us in this way. If this is something you’re interested in doing, there are lots of ways you can get involved. And our fundraising team is always here to help if you have questions or need support.

Contact the fundraising team

When you’re supporting someone’s fundraising efforts, it’s important to be vigilant about who you are giving to. We have had some reports of people fundraising for YoungMinds where it wasn’t clear if they were genuine supporters. If you’re not sure, ask to see their ID badge or Letter of Authority from us to show we know about their fundraising activity.

If you are ever in any doubt you can contact our fundraising team before giving. Or you can give directly online.


Tips for giving safely to charity

For more information and advice on how to give to charity safely, have a look at this article from the Fundraising Regulator.

Tips for giving safely to charity

More about fundraising for YoungMinds

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