Journalist Cathy Newman in a red top in front of a grey background

- she/her Cathy Newman (KATH-ee NOO-mun)

Journalist Cathy Newman in a red top in front of a grey background

Why have you chosen to support YoungMinds?

"Young people are facing so many stresses at a time of global uncertainty, economic pressure and political upheaval. I wanted to do what little I could to advocate for support for the next generation."

More from Cathy on becoming a YoungMinds Ambassador
  • What do you do to switch off and take care of your mental health?

    "I play the violin with a group called The Statutory Instruments."

  • What advice would you give to your younger self?

    "Read the poem All Things Pass by Lao Tzu. It makes the point that whatever you’re worrying about today may cease to be a worry tomorrow or the next day. Most anxieties are transient."

Which of our values do you relate to most and why?

"I most relate to the mission to stop young people’s mental health reaching crisis point."

"Too many young people have to wait too long for help, exacerbating their problems, delaying their recovery and incidentally costing taxpayers more to intervene once a crisis has escalated. Stepping in early would prevent needless misery."

We celebrate what makes you, you. What three words describe you best?

  • Driven

  • Passionate

  • Compassionate

Meet more of our ambassadors