To get urgent mental health advice from the NHS, call 111 and select the mental health option. 111 will tell you where you can get help. They may also be able to put you through to a trained mental health professional over the phone.
111 can support anyone who is feeling unsafe, distressed or worried about their mental health. They can also give information and advice about what to do if you're worried about someone else.
If you would rather get help online, you can use 111 online.
Use the Shout Textline for free, 24-hour mental health support.
If you need support with how you're feeling, you want information about a mental health condition or want to find out more about what support is available to you, visit our support pages for young people.
YoungMinds is an independent national charity and is not part of the NHS at all. CAMHS is a set of local services run by the NHS in your area and you’ll usually be referred by your GP or, you canfind your nearest CAMHS service on the NHS website.
Unfortunately, we are no longer offering our training or service design services and are unable to take any bookings for this.
If you have an enquiry around our other services, please contact
We encourage you to explore our website where you can access a wealth of free resources, information, and advice designed to support the young people you work with:
To find out about the different ways you can fundraise for YoungMinds, please head over to our fundraising section.
Unfortunately we do not have the capacity to give advice or research support as we are not a research organisation. For the latest statistics about young people's mental health, see our mental health statistics page.
We are unable to promote or endorse projects when we have not been involved in the development process from the beginning.
For information on our current paid vacancies, or to find out more about working at YoungMinds, have a look at our careers page.
For information on our voluntary vacancies, or to find out more about volunteering at YoungMinds, have a look at our volunteering page.
If you have any queries about any of the roles, please contact the recruitment team via the form at the bottom of our careers page.
If you are a young person under the age of 25 and would like more information on playing an active role in the work we do, see how you can get involved.
Unfortunately we do not offer clinical services to young people, so we are unable to support psychology/social work etc. placements at YoungMinds.
We are also not currently able to offer internships or accommodate work experience placements due to the lack of resources in the office.
If you are a young person under the age of 25 and would like more information on playing an active role in the work we do, see how you can get involved.
Contact us
To contact an individual team, please use the relevant enquiry form:
Fundraising - contact form at the bottom of the page
If you cannot find an answer to your query and do not wish to contact a specific team, you can use the general enquiries form at the bottom of this page, or call our office on 020 7089 5050.
If your query isn’t covered above, please use our form below.