A group of young people laughing together outside on a bench. Group includes two Black young women (one in a wheelchair), one Black young man, and a white young man.

You are not alone

However you're feeling right now, things can get better. And we're here to help.

Support us

We are here for you

Whether you want to understand how you’re feeling, find ways to feel better, or support someone who's struggling, we’re here to help.

Celebrating Pride

A Black teenage boy wearing a hearing aid speaking to a white non-binary teenager. They are walking on the street outside a shop. Both people are smiling.

June is Pride Month.

We support the LGBTQIA+ community all year round. But Pride is a special time to celebrate. It’s a chance to come together in love and solidarity to recognise how far LGBTQIA+ rights have come and to show your support for the work that still needs to be done.

Your sexuality and gender identity are part of what makes you, you. And you deserve to feel valued and loved just as you are. But coming to terms with your identity isn’t always easy. We know that for the LGBTQIA+ community, this can be especially tough, and sometimes what you’re going through can impact your mental health. If this is you, know that support is out there, and we’re here to help you find it.

Whether you’re struggling with your sexuality, navigating your gender identity, or just looking for some words of solidarity, we have guides and blogs that can help.

A young Black woman in a wheelchair and a young Black man on a bench, both staring at the camera looking serious.
I love the way I love. It’s a love that goes beyond the ordinary boundaries of gender, ethnicity, ability, or sexual orientation. I don’t fit into a specific box of gender stereotypes. I’m too much of an anomaly for that. I make my own box, I am my own voice, and it’s definitely not a quiet one.
Simi Roach

As a parent or carer, it can be hard to know how to support your child if they’re struggling with their gender identity or sexuality. You might have lots of questions or want to know what terms and definitions to use. Our information and advice can help.

A young Black woman in a wheelchair and a young Black man on a bench, both staring at the camera looking serious.

Your voice has power

Be heard this election

3 in 5 young people don’t feel heard by politicians – it's time we make them listen.

The systems and services there to support us are letting us down. We need big solutions and a Government brave enough to take bold action for young people.

Your next MP will be elected on 4 July. Whether or not you can vote, share your story and together we are going to make them listen.

Give your future MP a reality check. Tell them how it really is for young people.

Share your message
A young Black man standing outside a front door with a Black teenage boy wearing a hearing aid. They are talking together about something serious.

Stories from Black Disabled young people

We know from speaking to Disabled young people that they are more disproportionately affected by mental health struggles. That's why we worked together with Black Disabled young people and content creators to produce content that is honest, real and personal to their experiences.

Hear their stories

Frequently asked questions

Our website is full of advice and information to give young people the tools to look after their mental health. We empower parents and professionals to be the best support they can be to the young people in their lives. And we give young people the space and confidence to get their voices heard and change the world we live in. Together, we can create a world where no young person feels alone with their mental health.

Find out more about our work and impact

We all have mental health, just like we all have physical health. It’s about how we think, feel and act. Sometimes we feel well, and sometimes we don’t. When our mental health is good, we feel motivated and able to take on challenges and new experiences. But when our mental health is not so good, we can find it much harder to cope.

Find out more about mental health.

We all have good days and bad days, but when negative thoughts and feelings start to affect your daily life and stop you doing the things you enjoy, or your ability to feel okay, this means you need support with your mental health. For example, nearly everyone gets anxious before an exam, a job interview or a first date. But if you feel anxious all the time and this is stopping you from sleeping well or meeting up with friends, you might need help.

Find out more about mental health conditions.

No, we’re not part of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS). We're a charity that offers information and advice to young people, parents and carers. Check out our guide to support which covers how CAMHS work, how you can get help from CAMHS, what happens at an assessment, what your rights are and more. We do not offer one-to-one support for CAMHS assessments, treatments or complaints.

If you're a parent or carer, find information about accessing CAMHS and other services on our getting support from mental health services page. Or contact our Parents Helpline for more advice.

Find out more about CAMHS.

We help parents and carers who are worried about their child’s mental health with tips, information and advice online and through our Parents Helpline service. Use our parent helpfinder to find the right support for you.

Whether you work at a youth club, coach a sports team, or run extra-curricular activities outside of school, we know the positive and crucial role you play in the lives of young people. We have information, tips and resources for you to feel confident when responding to a young person's wellbeing needs.